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White Weeks

White Weeks – at a special price
06.01. – 25.01.2025

Ski & Alpine Advent – including skiing

Sci special 50% – Enjoy a special time
05.12. – 20.12.2024

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Relax and unwind with Wellness in Valles

Our sauna area offers you all the advantages of a modern wellness oasis. The choice is all yours, because after all, each person has his or her own special preferences. Enjoy wellness in Valles, relax and recharge your batteries in a wonderfully soothing way. The sweating in the sauna acts like a small fever but is much more relaxing and enjoyable: The immune system gets going, pollutants are expelled through the skin, the complexion clears, and the vegetative nervous system can calm down. Try it! A sauna session should be part of any active holiday.

Finnish Sauna

The real classic. Enjoy wellness in Valles, sweat extensively in our wood-panelled Finnish sauna at around 80° C and 100° C. Your body will be thankful. Not only after a long day on the ski slopes, this sauna is the best way to regenerate and prepare for your next excursions.

Bio Sauna

Here, the temperatures are lower than in the Finnish sauna and the humidity is slightly higher. Therefore, the Bio Sauna is particularly gentle on the blood circulation and can be used for a longer time.

Steam Sauna

The steam bath also has lower temperatures than the classic sauna and very high humidity, which exerts a distinctly cleansing and vitalized effect.

Family Sauna

Would you like to enjoy a sauna session together with your entire family, yet avoiding nudity? Then visit our family sauna in regular bathing suits. A sauna session is supposed to generate relaxation and not to cause discomfort. Furthermore, our dress-on sauna is also the ideal solution for travel groups or groups of friends.

Infrared Cabin

The alternative to a sauna: Here, your body is not heated by the room air, but by infrared radiation. As a result, deep heat is generated, which triggers a particularly intense feeling of warmth.

Relaxation Rooms

Relax, admire the landscape, or read a good book and listen to your favourite music through headphones – in our cosy relaxation rooms you may take a wonderful break.

Water Fountain

Soothing for the senses and an aesthetic pleasure – the water fountain offers you fresh spring water from Valles for a pure drinking pleasure!

Whirl Bench

Enjoy an extended period of rest in the bubbling water and feel the gentle massage. Afterwards you will feel like new.

Fog Tunnel

Our Aroma Fog Tunnel is an additional attraction that will enrich your spa program in Valles.

White Weeks

White Weeks – at a special price
06.01. – 25.01.2025

Ski & Alpine Advent – including skiing

Sci special 50% – Enjoy a special time
05.12. – 20.12.2024

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